
Learn from the Experts to Unlock Your Team’s Potential

Linea recognizes the vital importance of equipping your employees with the skills and knowledge to adapt to new processes and system functionalities. Our team of training experts craft tailored education strategies, develop curriculum, configure training environments and databases, and deliver training sessions as needed. Linea also helps to fortify your training programs with train-the-trainer initiatives to ensure sustainable, effective knowledge transfer.


Process Training
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When implementing new operational processes at your organization, it's important to ensure that your staff are trained on the new procedures and workflows. With our Process Training service, a team of experts develops and delivers customized training programs. These programs are designed to help your staff smoothly transition to the new procedures and workflows without a hitch. We work closely with you to understand your specific needs and tailor our training programs to meet your unique requirements.

Our training programs include comprehensive documentation and ongoing support to ensure your staff have the knowledge and resources they need to succeed in their roles. We provide training on risk management to help prevent fraud, customer service to provide better service to members, documentation and reporting to ensure proper recordkeeping, as well as offer ongoing support as your operations progress. We will leave you with a training program you can use as you onboard new employees and updated your processes, whether that be training the trainer or helping you develop your knowledge base.

Cyber Awareness Training
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With the increasing sophistication of cyber threats, it is essential to ensure that your staff are well-versed in cybersecurity best practices. Our Cyber Awareness Training service is designed with pension and benefits funds in mind. Our team of cybersecurity experts provides customized training programs to educate your employees on how to identify and prevent cyber threats and keep your fund secure.

We work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and tailor our training programs to meet their unique requirements. Our training covers topics such as password management, phishing attacks, vishing attacks, and social engineering (the source of the majority of most modern breaches), and includes ongoing support to ensure that your staff stay up to date with the latest threats and mitigation strategies. With our cybersecurity awareness training, you can improve your organization's security posture and reduce the risk of costly data breaches.


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