
Maximizing Organizational Data Capabilities with Data Governance: A Review of Principles, Benefits, Challenges

Data Governance, at it’s core, is the ability for an organization to capture, manage, archive, and secure data critical to operational processes. The effectiveness of an organization’s data governance capabilities can substantially improve the outcomes of various initiatives.

There are many reasons why Data Governance is important for organizations to use, including:

Serves as the Foundation for Modernization

  • Data is essential for initiatives such as system upgrades, leveraging AI, and/or enhancing reporting and analytics capabilities
  • High-quality data is critical to the success of these initiatives
  • Understanding data quality issues and gaps

Helps Define Roles Clearly Across the Organization

  • Avoids data silos by ensuring that data standards are consistent
  • A data governance program can be developed to fit any size organization
  • Promotes data sharing to drive informed decision-making

Leads to Structured, Continuous Practice

  • Establishes a continuous, structured approach to data management
  • Develops repeatable business processes
  • Maintains up-to-date and accurate data

When considering Data Governance, organizations should focus on some key principles:

Building an Organizational Culture Focused on Data

  • Establishing a mindset where data is treated as a critical asset

Clarifying Data Roles and Responsibilities

  • Ensuring that key roles (owners, stewards, architects, etc.)  in the organization contribute to proper data maintenance throughout its lifecycle

Continuously Managing Data

  • Continuous improvement to keep data governance practices aligned to shifting organizational objectives

Implementing Data Governance practices are not linear events.  Many organizations may face challenges, but with the right approach these organizations will still see significant gains.

Some challenges in implementing Data Governance to be mindful of include:

Tailored Approaches:

  • There is no one-size-fits-all approach to data governance.  Take time to identify your strategy and a tailor an approach to your needs

Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Often IT is perceived as the data owners, but the reality is data governance requires an organizational approach.  Identifying stakeholders from across the organization will be imperative.

Skill Sets and Resources:

  • Some roles will require specialized skillsets and/or training.  Identifying the right individuals to fill these roles will be important.

Keeping these key points in mind, a Data Assessment can be a great asset in helping an organization determine its Data Governance strategy. This will help in assessing your current state and developing a roadmap for building a sustainable data management practice.

Have questions? We can help.

Linea Solutions has been providing strategic guidance that has improved our clients for over 25 years. We would be happy to meet with you virtually to discuss what type of assessment would be ideal for your organization. If you have questions about the best way to improve your organizational efficiency, contact us to see how we can help.

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