
Claims Advocacy and the Importance of Control for Impacted Workers

In response to ongoing discussions about claims advocacy spurred on by the webinar titled "Claims Advocacy: What It Is and What It Isn't," offered through, I want to share my thoughts on the subject. 

Claims advocacy is not about claim professionals advocating for workers but it’s about empowering workers to advocate for themselves.

Ideally claims advocacy helps workers overcome barriers in the workers' compensation system, such as complex processes, rules, delays, and confusing pathways to return to work.

The goal of claims advocacy: To understand workers’ concerns and fears by listening to them, and collaborating on steps to address them, even if they may seem small.

Remember: The decision to return to work ultimately rests with the worker, and claims advocacy aims to make it easier for them to exercise this autonomy.

Claims advocacy recognizes the injured worker as a human being with rights. One crucial right is the locus of control, which allows individuals to hold the keys to their fate.

Complex workers' compensation regulations, policies, and communications often diminish the locus of control, and claims advocacy seeks to restore it to the worker to positively impact their motivations and behaviors.

How can the workers’ compensation industry move forward with claims advocacy? Some jurisdictions, insurers, and support vendors are currently reviewing or have already put changes in place to improve their processes to better align with the claims advocacy (or worker centric, or work disability prevention) model. Claims staff are being trained in empathy, active listening, and elements of motivational interviewing. These are important first steps.

In conclusion: Claims advocacy goes beyond professionals advocating for workers. It empowers workers to advocate for themselves in an often-complex system, enabling them to make decisions about their recovery and return to work. 


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Linea Solutions has been providing strategic guidance that has improved our clients for over 25 years. We would be happy to meet with you virtually to discuss what type of assessment would be ideal for your organization. If you have questions about the best way to improve your organizational efficiency, contact us to see how we can help.

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