The problem with most implementation projects is that they tend to “overfocus” on documenting requirements and so-called “future state” business processes. It’s not a bad thing, and is necessary for a good project. But unfortunately, most projects act as if once these things are documented, all that is needed is a project manager to track activities to ensure that the requirements of the project are being met. But, no matter how extensive and detailed requirements are, a project manager is not enough. Additionally, a project manager is not always the best person to ensure that HOW things are done with the software meet the overall needs of the client.
When critical software is implemented, it usually flips the organization upside-down, so it’s key to get ahead of that change. Organizations have to constantly be assessing the changes to their systems (especially to operations and processing), planning for it, negotiating it, perfecting it, documenting it, and setting it up for the organization to continue changing it. Relying on staff subject matter experts alone is usually not enough to execute significant change to the organization. Dedicated resources are often needed because effecting change is never easy.
Our services focus on this change, and it is absolutely critical for the success of a software project. We tell our clients that what they need are senior consultants that are business process experts who can also do project management, and we’re the only ones with that focus.
Linea Solutions has been providing strategic guidance that has improved our clients for over 25 years. We would be happy to meet with you virtually to discuss what type of assessment would be ideal for your organization. If you have questions about the best way to improve your organizational efficiency, contact us to see how we can help.